Sycamore Tips

At WCA, we use Sycamore for our student information system and parent portal. Sycamore is a safe and secure way to access all of your student's information and grades. We want to ensure that all of your information is up to date and that you are comfortable using the system. Here are 5 helpful recommendations to make sure you are getting the most out of Sycamore.

1. Delete the old app & Get the new one - Last year a company partnered with Sycamore to build a branded app. Things didn't quite work the way we wanted, so Sycamore created a new app to replace it. Please delete the app with our logo on it as it will no longer work. The app is available here for IOS and here for Android. While the app doesn't display as much information as the desktop version, it is extremely helpful to have on the go. Our school ID is 2547.

Download for iOS
Download for Android
2. Get there quickly - you can click the leaf on the top left of our school's homepage to go to the Sycamore login page. Once there, we recommend bookmarking or adding a shortcut to get there quickly. Some parents prefer the desktop interface over the mobile app and may want to save the Sycamore login web page to your phone's home screens. Click here if you need help.

3. Save your password - While this sounds obvious, there are several parents that have trouble logging into Sycamore because they forgot their password. If you do not remember your password, you can reset it on the home page by clicking "Reset your password". Sycamore will send an email to the address on file with a temporary password. Please contact the school office if you do not receive an email when trying to reset your password.

4. Check your students HW/Assignments - After logging into Sycamore, you can hover over the student's icon to see a menu appear (on the desktop version). Click on the HW/Assignments to check what your student needs to work on next. You can also click on any class name to go to that class's page where you can find their newsletter, documents, and other important information.

5. Watch the Sycamore overview video: 
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Important Information for 2016-17

Wilmington Christian Academy is looking forward to the quickly-approaching new school year with great anticipation. We hope you are enjoying the summer and relaxing a bit before this sure-to-be-exciting year of learning begins!  Classes will be starting in just a few weeks, so here are several details/reminders that will help you prepare for a fantastic start to the 2016-2017 school year here at WCA. Click here to view a folder with all of the referenced documents.

Important Times

First Day of School: Thursday, August 18th
Daily Schedule:  
Morning care opens at 6:45 am
Buildings open at 8:00 am
Tardy bell rings at 8:10 am
Dismissal Times:
Part-time K4: 12:00p.m.
Full-time K4: No later than 6:00pm
Grades K5-5th:   3:00p.m
Grades 6-12:  3:15p.m.
After school care ends at 6:00 pm

Before & After School Care

The rate for K5 -12 is $3.50 per hour per child. Parents will be billed monthly. Before and after school care for K3 & K4 is included in the student’s full-time tuition rate.  Part-time K4 students must be picked up by noon.

Note: All students in grades 6-12 staying after school must be in this program from 3:25 - 6:00 p.m. unless participating in an official, supervised school function.

Important Contact Info Changes

In order to contact you in case of emergency, it is imperative that you make changes to your personal information in Sycamore and/or notify the school office immediately if your address, phone numbers (home, work, or cell) or email addresses have changed since completing the re-enrollment or enrollment process.

EpiPen Procedures

We carefully monitor students with allergies during the school year.  If your new or returning student has an EpiPen, please see Mr. Albright during school orientation.  He will provide the appropriate forms and explain the EpiPen procedure we use at WCA.

School Calendar

Our school calendar integrates Sycamore and Google Calendar to keep everyone on the same page. Because events may occasionally change, we have found it most useful to utilize a digital calendar. Please go to www.wilmingtonchristian.com/calendars to learn how to access our school calendars on all your devices.

Uniform Dress Code

Please click here to read the K3-K5 student dress code. All students in grades 1-12 are required to be in school uniform.  Please read this linked dress code sheet for clarification.  Remember all uniforms must have the school crest and must be purchased from Custom Logoware only.  Custom Logoware has a local store at 7213 Ogden Business Lane (near the Ice House Ice Skating Rink).  910-681-0888.

Class Lists

Elementary teachers will send out postcards the week before school begins.  Middle school and High school - This information will be available at the orientation meeting.  Because of the hectic schedule when beginning a new school year, please do not call the school office for this information.

Music Lessons

PIANO, INSTRUMENT, STRINGS & VOICE LESSONS - Private piano, instrument, strings and voice lessons will be available for students in grades PK4 - 12. Registration will take place during orientation meetings.

Tuition & Fees

Tuition is invoiced or drafted through Smart Tuition.  Several payment options are available: mail-in check, automatic withdrawal, credit/debit card charges.  Payments by mail mean an invoice will be sent 20 days before the due date (10th of each month).  Smart does not accept cash payments.  If the automatic withdrawal from your checking/savings account is used, you will receive an email 10 days before a withdrawal is made.  If a credit or debit card is used, a 2.85% convenience fee will be assessed.  The 10th or 20th of each month is chosen for automatic withdrawals.

There are several plans to pay tuition: 10-month, 12-month, Annual (August), or Semi-Annual (August and January).  A credit of $100 is given for each student if the tuition is paid on an annual basis before August 1st. The semi-annual payment must be made by paying the first half by August 1st and the second half by January 1st, to get a $50 credit for each student -  These credits are awarded after the tuition is paid by the due date for that particular month.  

The Program fee ($330.00 per student in grades 1 - 12 and $220.00 per student in K5) was due on June 20th.  The Capital Assessment Fee ($275.00 per family) is due on July 10th.  It is recommended that full payment of these fees be made by the due dates to continue to guarantee enrollment.

New Faculty & Positions

Welcome to these new faculty members: Miss Tiffany Brown (3rd grade), Mr. Michael Craig (Physical Education), Mrs. Emily Grice (middle school), Mrs. Kate Lewis (middle school and Athletic Secretary), Miss Jessica Phillips (middle school), Miss Victoria Rexroad (3rd grade), Mr. Erich Vereen (IT Director), Mrs. Kate Snyder (Church and Fine Arts Secretary), (Mrs. Karen Parish is moving from the MS office to classroom computer instruction.

Elementary Information

New Parents – Monday, August 15th at 6 pm
Returning ParentsMonday, August 15th at 7 pm

At least one parent is expected to attend the elementary orientation night. Please do not bring students to this session as this time is reserved for the teachers and parents to get acquainted and to discuss valuable information. (Parents meet in the auditorium)

Nap Mats

K3 – K4 students will take a nap each day at 1:30. Each child needs a mat for naptime. Kindermats can be purchased from Amazon via this link.

Open House
K3 - 5th Grade   |  Tuesday, August 16th   |   8:30 – 9:30 am

All K3-5th grade students may come find their classroom, meet their teacher, and reunite with their classmates.

Supply Lists
Click here to view or download the elementary school supply lists

Intramural Soccer
The WCA intramural soccer league will take place from September 10th to November 5th. Click here to view the registration form.

Middle School Information

New Parents & Students – Tuesday, August 16th at 6 pm
Returning Parents & Students Tuesday, August 16th at 7 pm
Students meet in the gym – Parents meet in Cafeteria, Section C
Middle School students will have special activities in the gym during the parent orientation meetings. Please come dressed in your school uniform.​

Anchorage Retreat
All Middle School students are expected to attend our school camp retreat at the Anchorage Christian Camp at Lake Waccamaw (910-646-4111) on Monday, Aug 22nd - Tuesday, August 23rd.  The purpose of this retreat is to have fun, allow teachers and students to get acquainted and be challenged spiritually. Our teachers will chaperone the students. Please fill out the WCA permission form & the Anchorage Medical Release form and turn them in at your earliest convenience.  ​

Supply Lists
Click here to view or download the Middle School supply lists

Middle school students will receive schedules at orientation and their electives will be assigned after the opening of school.

High School Information

Class Scheduling & Academic Counseling

Parents are strongly encouraged to attend the scheduling sessions.

Tuesday, August 2

R - Z        8:00 - 9:30 am
L - N       9:30 - 11:00 am
E - K        1:00 - 2:30 pm
A - D      2:30 - 4:00 pm

Wednesday, August 3

A - C     8:00 - 9:30 am
D - I      9:30 - 11:00 am
J - Pa     1:00 - 2:30 pm
Pi - Z     2:30 - 4:00 pm

Thursday, August 4
Cafeteria, sec C

K - Z      8:30 am
A - J    11:00 am

Friday, August 5th
Cafeteria, sec C

A - G      8:30 am
H - Z    11:00 am

New Parents & Students – Monday, August 15th at 6:30 pm
Returning Parents & Students Monday, August 15th at 7:30 pm
Students meet in the gym – Parents meet in Cafeteria, Section C
High School students meet in the gym during the parent orientation meetings.  Special activities are planned for the students while the parents are meeting. Please come dressed in your school uniform.

Anchorage Retreat
All Senior High students are expected to attend our school camp retreat at the Anchorage Christian Camp at Lake Waccamaw (910-646-4111) on Thursday, Aug 18 - Friday, August 19.  The purpose of this retreat is to have fun, allow teachers and students to get acquainted and be challenged spiritually. Our teachers will chaperone the students. Please fill out the WCA permission form & the Anchorage Medical Release form and turn them in at your earliest convenience.  

E-Text Books

Juniors and Seniors may purchase an e-textbook for $35.00.  Please contact the main school office if you are interested in this option.

Supply Lists
Click here to view or download the High School supply lists

Summer Reading
Click here to view the high school summer reading assignments.  Please find the list for your student and share the info with him or her.  Students received paper copies before school ended in June.