Why — Wilmington Christian Academy - Private School

 Why We Do What We Do

Choosing a school for your child is a huge decision. Once you’ve decided who you’ll trust with your kids, as parents and friends, you want to know more about who is influencing and inspiring them. At WCA, we believe, once you get to know the staff and teachers at our school, you will love and appreciate them for the many ways they lead with excellence. Supporting the PTF is just one way to both get to know your teachers and in turn, to encourage them. We help you find ways to get involved by giving your time in classrooms, serving at events or working behind the scenes on fundraisers.

The PTF is made up mostly of parents, so we know that parenting is hard! Whether you decide to join the PTF or simply attend our events, our goal is for you to find a welcoming community here. We aim to support and love on you as you lead your family into all God has planned for each of you.

Another benefit to volunteering some time at your child’s school with the PTF is getting to know your child’s classmates! The relationships that begin in preschool here at WCA tend to last into Highschool and beyond. Those friendships are an investment worth making.

“Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” I Thess. 5: 11