What We Do

The work of the PTF can be broken down into three main areas.

  1. Fundraisers: To be able to support the school in a variety of ways.

    • Attractions Coupon Book Sales

    • Spirit Shirts/Merchandise

    • Spring Carnival (our biggest fundraiser and social night of the year!)

  2. Social Events: To foster community amongst students and families.

    • Monday Meet-Ups (family dinner at local restaurants)

    • Fun Family Nights

    • Student Activities On and Off Campus

  3. Faculty/Staff Ongoing Encouragement

    • Meals for Teacher’s Meeting Once a Month

    • All Staff Back to School Dinner, Christmas Luncheon and Meal during Teacher Appreciation Week

    • Goody Bags for Teacher’s Convention in September

    • Teacher Appreciation Week in the Spring

Here are a few examples of the ways we spend the generous funds entrusted to us annually:

  • Completely cover the cost of the Fall Teacher’s Convention

  • A monetary gift given to each teacher to use in their classrooms

  • Provide meals for staff throughout the year on special occasions

  • Fund social events for students and families

We also have the opportunity to help with other school needs as they arise, for instance:

  • Chromebooks in Middle School classrooms

  • An ice maker for staff use

  • A portion of the cost of electrical upfitting on the baseball field (Yay for more lights and power for Carnival inflatables!)

  • And more!