High School — Wilmington Christian Academy - Private School

Inspiring Intellect

The Academy's academic program challenges students to maximize their God-given intellectual abilities as they prepare for success in the next phase of their education.

From basic college prep courses to Advanced Placement and college credit offerings, students are equipped to acquire knowledge, think critically and communicate effectively. Teachers employ a variety of instructional methods combined with current technology to provide our students with an exceptional education.

WCA students annually exceed state and national averages on the ACT (American College Test), which is administered to nearly 1.2 million college-bound students.  After graduation, approximately 94% of WCA students will attend a post-secondary institution.  Of those students, approximately 15% of them will continue their education at a Christian university or college. All WCA seniors apply to a university or college of their choice as part of WCA’s graduation requirements. Nearly every student who applies for college will be accepted into the college of his or her choice.

The majority of WCA students will earn either the College Preparatory or Honors Diploma upon graduation.  In addition to honors and dual credit courses—such as ENG 201: Introduction to Literature, HIS 206: Making of the Modern World, and MAT 271: Calculus—students may select from a variety of AP courses, including AP World History, AP Computer Science Principles, and AP Physics. A General Diploma is provided to students that meet the graduation requirements of the State of North Carolina.

Our students have been accepted to the following schools


Growing Faith

Believing that genuine and comprehensive education is grounded in the truth of God's revelation, biblical truth is naturally and purposefully integrated into the Academy's challenging academic program, extracurricular activities and student life opportunities.

Students are introduced to faith in Christ and encouraged to explore and adopt a biblical worldview by personal interaction with teachers and participation in Bible classes, chapel services, spiritual emphasis initiatives, school retreats and mission endeavors.

At Wilmington Christian Academy, every teacher is a committed Christian, who cares not only for the students’ academic needs, but also their spiritual needs.  All subjects, therefore, are taught so that every student develops an thorough Biblical worldview.   Bible class meets four times a week in a normal classroom setting.  These classes are usually divided by grade and gender (i.e. freshmen boys, junior girls.)  After four years at WCA, a student will better understand the themes of the Old Testament, lessons for Christians from the New Testament, and specific topics that relate to young believers in American society. Every Wednesday, students meet in the auditorium for chapel.  Chapel is family time for the entire high school.  From messages from pastor from the staff at Grace Baptist Church to programs developed and performed by the students, chapel is designed to address the needs of hearts.  As students and faculty member’s hearts hear God’s word, we are better able to apply His will to our lives!

Student Life Opportunities


Inspiring Opportunities

American society is rapidly abandoning biblical values. While many young people navigate our eroding culture with minimal guidance, students at Wilmington Christian benefit from an environment that fosters character development and promotes servant-leadership.

Whether learning in the classroom, practicing on a ball field, performing in the arts or serving others in the community, Academy students are influenced to embrace a lifestyle that honors the Lord and impacts others for eternity. 










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