Offering the highest quality care and education since 1969!
WCA offers a foundation that will last a lifetime!
Hundreds of children have experienced their earliest education at WCA since 1969, learning, growing, and flourishing in God’s grace. More than teaching alone, we have sought to shepherd the young. And in doing so, we have created a program that is as cherished as it is successful.
If you would like a tour or further information about attending this school year (2024-25), please call the office on weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at 791-4248 ext. 5510. If you are interested in attending next school year (Fall 2025), please schedule a tour . A child cannot apply or be enrolled until they are within 6 months of their start date.
An excellent preschool experience will help your child lay the groundwork for all future learning. Our program offers a unique, customized curriculum for each age level, as well as an art lab, music studio, a gym, playgrounds, indoor jungle gym, and library. Our hands-on, developmentally appropriate activities target all aspects of early childhood development, while emphasizing the love of Jesus Christ. The exposure children receive to Bible, phonics, numbers, art, computers, music and movement, books and reading, physical education, science, and Spanish, provides a wealth of experiences for the children on which to build a solid educational foundation. Motor skills, hand-eye coordination, visual awareness and critical thinking are taught through fun-filled lessons and activities. Our goal is to provide the highest quality program where loving kindness, gentleness, consistency, safety, and security are of utmost importance.
The Bible comes to life for children through songs, videos, and stories. Students are exposed to both Old and New Testament Bible Stories each morning during Bible time. Simple weekly memory verses focus on establishing God’s word in the heart of each child. Children attend chapel one morning a week. Our main focus at WCA is to educate children about our Lord, putting the love of the Father center stage and magnifying the passion of the son Jesus Christ.
Pre-schoolers are encouraged to express themselves using traditional and non-traditional art media. They learn about color and texture while practicing fine motor skills through painting, coloring, cutting, pasting, and mixing. Children discover that art is fun and that they can make art out of anything! The program is designed to add excitement to everyday learning and to foster the beginning of a lifetime love and appreciation for art.
Reading is infused with excitement to promote a love of books and the written word. WCA’s Librarian provides Library time each week for the pre-school children to listen to stories and look at books. Experiences in reading stories with puppets and songs enrich each child’s adventure in learning.
Expression through song and rhythm helps children build motor skills and have lots of fun! Rhythm instruments and rhythm sticks are used, along with movement and dance, to unleash the musical potential of our pre-schoolers. Children are introduced to tempo and dynamics while singing and playing joyfully.
Physical Education
The preschool P.E. program uses group experiences to build lasting recreational interest. Each child is seen as an individual creation of God with special strengths and abilities. This class offers an arena in which to use and expand these abilities through a variety of exercises, physical games, and obstacle challenges. The goal is to build on the physical abilities of the children and give them confidence to try new activities.
Students are introduced to Spanish vocabulary and phrases and customs of the Hispanic culture starting in PK3. Children develop a better understanding of cultural diversity while learning language skills. Songs, videos and games are incorporated to build a base for further learning of the language.
Our commitment to high standards is also reflected in the people who work at WCA. Our teachers are experienced, certified Early Childhood or Elementary Educators who receive ongoing training. We nurture the lasting bonds that develop between our faculty and families. Everyone that is employed by WCA has been fingerprinted and background checked.
Spiritual Approach
Our teachers include a daily Bible lesson, including songs, Bible stories, and scripture verses. Teachers also use this time to present life application lessons that connect to children’s lives in a meaningful, age-appropriate way. In all of our curriculum, we pray that God will be perceived as our creator and in control of our lives and universe. The children attend chapel once a week.
Children learn through play! WCA has an 8,000 square foot outdoor preschool playground and an 18' high indoor jungle gym that are used daily. These play areas help the children develop large motor skills. The teachers monitor all aspects of playground safety, and the equipment is continuously monitored to make certain that it is safe and properly maintained.
Fun Times in the Rain or Shine
…on our indoor and outdoor playgrounds
Lunch & Snacks
The kitchen facilities at WCA operate with a commercial license, so the NC Department of Environmental Health inspects our kitchen every three months. Our nutritious menus for snack time and lunch are planned using the USDA requirements for child care. Menu selections are based on a well-balanced choice of meat/proteins, vegetables, fruits, starch side dishes, whole grain breads, enriched or fortified cereals, and 100% fruit juices.
Morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack are provided for all the children. No food may be brought in to the center. Please let the teachers know of any allergies.
Current Lunch & Snack Menus
Enrollment Age Requirements
The birth date deadlines for our school year are as follows:
PK2 - Children must be 2 before starting.
PK3 – Children must be 3 on or before August 31st to enter our 3’s Program.
PK4 – Children must be 4 on or before August 31st to enter our 4’s Program.
*Children are promoted each year when school starts in August.
An application may not be filled out until a child is within 6 months of his or her start date.
Discipline & Behavior Management
Praise and positive reinforcement are effective methods of the behavior management of children. When children receive positive, non-violent, and understanding interactions from adults and others, they develop good self-concepts, problem-solving abilities, and self-discipline. WCA also uses time-out when a child does not respond to positive reinforcements. Numerous positive reinforcements are in place within each classroom.
• Classroom computers and interactive whiteboards provide daily opportunities for technological fun.
• All preschool classrooms have MIMIO Interactive whiteboards to aid in classroom curriculum and interactive learning. Hovercams are also in each classroom.
• All preschool classrooms have ceiling-mounted digital projectors.
We are taking the focus away from the technology itself and placing it directly on the learning and teaching it facilitates. In their daily lessons, teachers can incorporate “field trips” to anywhere in the world. Students enjoy singing, reading, and interacting with online resources.
2-Year-Old Preschool Program(PK2)
PK2 introduces young children to the classroom setting and structured activities. Nurturing teachers help ensure this is a smooth transition for students and an experience that fosters a love for learning. The philosophy of our scripture-based curriculum is that young children learn best by doing. With the understanding that play is their “work”, a balance of child-initiated and teacher-directed activities helps to prepare the children for future academic growth and development. Weekly themes are centered around letters, numbers, colors, and shapes. Art, music, and literature are integrated throughout their day. Teachers consistently work on potty-training all the children with the help of the parents at home.
Cost: $100 Registration *non-refundable (This reserves the child’s spot.)
Full-Time: $245 Weekly Tuition (This covers the child as needed from 6:45 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.)
Part-time: Please contact the preschool office for part-time (1-2 days per week) options and pricing.
Supplies Needed: diapers/pull-ups/training underwear, wipes, diaper cream (as needed), change of clothes, nap mat, and spill-proof water bottle
3-Year-Old Preschool Program(PK3)
The philosophy of our scripture-based curriculum is that young children learn best by doing. With the understanding that play is their “work”, a balance of child-initiated and teacher-directed activities helps to prepare the children for future academic growth and development. Weekly themes are centered around letters, numbers, colors, and shapes. The students are introduced to phonics by learning all the letters of the alphabet and the sounds they make. Children learn to identify these letters in their daily environment. Art, music, Spanish, and literature are integrated throughout their day. The children love to use interactive whiteboards to enrich their academic time.
The goal is for all three-year-olds to be potty trained before starting PK3. If for some reason a child is not quite potty-trained, he or she must come to school wearing training underwear and be potty trained by October 1.
Cost: $100 Registration *non-refundable (This reserves the child’s spot.)
Full-Time: $235 Weekly Tuition (This covers the child as needed from 6:45 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Monday-Friday.)
Part-time: Please contact the preschool office for part-time (1-2 days per week) options and pricing.
Supplies Needed: change of clothes, nap mat, and spill-proof water bottle
4-Year-Old Kindergarten Program(PK4)
The 4-year-old preschool program will introduce students to the basics of a kindergarten readiness program. Students are given a solid learning foundation in an enjoyable atmosphere, resulting in a desire to continue learning. Half-day and full-day programs are available.
No diapers, pull-ups, or training pants are allowed in PK4.
Cost: $100 Registration *non-refundable (This reserves the child's spot.)
Part-time: (Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - noon) $140 per week
Full-time: (Monday-Friday, 6:45 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.) $235 per week
Phonics – As the year progresses, the children learn 44 basic sounds of the English language and apply their phonics skills to reading. Guided activities teach these young learners initial letter sounds and alphabet recognition. Phonemic awareness happens through practice, drills, and reinforcement. Children learn to read using a phonics-based program.
Handwriting – These little ones will learn the correct pencil holding position and paper placement. They will also learn to print upper case and lower case letters a-z and numerals 0-20. Activities teach many pre-writing skills, left to right, vertical, horizontal, diagonal, and curved line tracking.
Mathematics – Through various activities, these “little ones” learn numbers, shape recognition, and pattern sequencing. Measurement vocabulary is used to teach calendars, clocks, and coins.
Bible – Four-year-olds discover how to think, grow, know, and live “God’s way.” Through Bible lessons, character stories, Bible verses, and memory work, the children learn Bible truths and how to apply those truths to their young lives.
Electives – Art, music, Spanish, and library are offered on a weekly basis.
Extras – Traditional literature, realistic and fanciful prose, and poetry help develop good listening skills as well as vocabulary development and enrichment. Craft activities, songs, musical games, and stories are used to teach many of the heritage studies and science themes. Children learn concepts of God’s plan for the child and his family. Holidays, community helpers, and patriotism are used to develop many exciting activities. Young learners study seasonal earth, plants, and animals. They enjoy activities that relate to seasons, family, and the farm. Academic time is enriched through the use of interactive whiteboards.
Supplies Needed: change of clothes, nap mat, and spill-proof water bottle
Summer Activities
An exciting summer has been planned for the preschool children. Check out all the fun themes and activities!
Extra-Curricular & Fun Days
Weekly Music Class
Private Piano Lessons and Violin Lessons
Parent Teacher Fellowship
Fall Carnival
Ice House Skate Night
Jungle Rapids Night
Parent Day
Grandparents’ Day
Scholastic Book Fair
Thanksgiving Program & Party
Special Dress-Up Days
Christmas Party
Intramural Soccer (PK4)
Cheerleading Clinics (PK4)
Preschoolers attend a weekly chapel program.
During the week, preschoolers attend Spanish class, music class, and library.