"Offering the highest quality education since 1969!
WCA offers a foundation that will last a lifetime!"

Rearing children in today’s society is certainly an awesome challenge. It has become increasingly difficult to transfer traditional values of God, country, and family to our children as society continues to send messages and images that contradict those hallowed principles.
By choosing Wilmington Christian Academy for your family’s educational needs, you have demonstrated a commitment to “training up your child in the way he (or she) should go.” You have indicated a willingness to sacrifice for the good of your family. You are setting a priority that shows your desire to rear a young future leader who cares about home, church, and education. Students have the benefit of remaining in the same school from kindergarten to graduation. Studies indicate this seamless experience contributes to their success in academics and beyond. Students remain part of a close-knit community and benefit from reinforced values throughout their education.
We take seriously the trust that you have placed in us. We commit to you to do our best in educating your child in a superior way: not just academically, but spiritually, emotionally, morally, and intellectually. Please pray with us as we assume this significant responsibility.
We integrate curriculum and a biblical worldview across all subject areas so students develop depth of knowledge and wisdom. We nurture Lower School students cognitively, socially, and spiritually through a structured classroom setting and curriculum that focuses lots of interactive, hands-on activities and engaging classroom discussions.
We set aside time every week to gather as grade-levels, listen to God’s word, respond to God in prayer and song, and send students and teachers back to the classroom to learn and serve in God’s world.
Our students learn you don’t have to be an adult to make an adult-sized difference in the world. Every student participates in community service projects. Wilmington Christian Academy students learn the joy of serving others and that, no matter their size, they are valuable members of the body of Christ.
Five-year-old kindergarten is one of the most important years in a child’s education. During this time a child acquires the basic academic building blocks for future success in life. Wilmington Christian Academy offers the strong foundation a child needs to be successful in the coming years. Kindergarten is a full-day program at WCA. Aftercare is available until 6:00 p.m. for those needing after school care.
Enrollment Age Requirements – Children must turn 5 on or before August 31 to enter our kindergarten program.
Morning Meeting - Each day begins with a Morning Meeting that includes a welcome song, a group activity with numbers, reviewing the calendar, and counting the days in the school year.
Phonics, Reading, and Writing – While developing necessary foundational skills, children engage in literacy through oral language and literature appreciation as well as early reading and writing. The children are also learning the sounds of the alphabet as they sing the phonics songs and use the phonics charts. The students progress through the alphabet learning the primary sound of each letter and practicing a writing style that has proven effective with young writers. Students are taught to read with a systematic, step-by-step reading plan based upon intensive phonics. They learn early decoding skills, emphasizing comprehension and phonemic awareness. Students learn how to make predictions, sequence events and recall information from stories.
Children are placed in reading groups by ability level to maximize their abilities. Each student completes activities to improve phonics, handwriting, composition, grammar and spelling skills. Accelerated Reader further promotes a love for reading through incentives.
Mathematics – Through the use of hands-on materials, the students learn the basic foundation of mathematics. The students learn number recognition, number value, counting, sorting and classifying, spatial-relationships, time, money, fractions, the calendar, the months of the year, pictographs, and addition and subtraction facts.
Bible – While God’s truth is woven into every subject area, students benefit especially from a designated Bible lesson each day. Teachers read stories from both the Old and New Testaments and help students understand how these stories apply to their lives. Students share prayer requests and pray aloud with their peers throughout the day. Once each week, the children meet for chapel. Check out our Bible Curriculum at www.deeprootsbible.com.
Science & STEM – Hands-on lessons in science open up a while new world for kindergarten students. Students learn about themselves and the world around them. They will learn about God’s plan for seeds, animals, the seashore, health, weather, and seasons. Students are given weekly STEM challenges to develop their critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Social Studies – Students learn about community helpers and simple safety rules, beginnings of American history, and children of 10 different countries along with simple geography. American heritage and patriotism are emphasized.
Electives – Art, music, P.E., Spanish, library, and computer education are offered on a weekly basis. Enrichment classes allow students to expand their horizons and discover their unique talents and passions early in life.
Character Training – Character training is one of the supreme goals of Christian Education. Every subject area, every teaching method, every attitude, every action of student or teacher is a means of training character.
Snack Time & Lunch - Snack time is an important part of the morning, as young minds and bodies must refuel often to remain focused and engaged. Snacks are brought from home and eaten on the playground before morning recess time. All kindergarten classrooms are peanut free. Students eat lunch in a full-service cafeteria where they may buy a lunch or bring a lunch.
Recess - Recess gets students outside and helps them build gross motor skills through activities such as running, climbing or swinging. Our expansive playgrounds are favorite spots for students. An indoor jungle gym is also available for rainy day recess.
Center Time - There are no limits to what students can learn through afternoon centers. During this time, students work in small groups and gain exposure to all subject areas.
The accelerated elementary curriculum emphasizes the basic skills of reading and math augmented with studies in English, spelling, science, history, handwriting and health. The curriculum is enhanced through critical thinking activities and hands-on projects. Phonics-based reading instruction is given from kindergarten through second grade while hands-on learning projects and practice drills enhance math instruction. Students receive weekly instruction in physical education, art, music, library skills, Spanish, and computer application. Students are given STEM challenges to develop their critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Beginning in kindergarten and continuing through the elementary years, children are taught computer application skills through a curriculum-integrated program. Age-appropriate material introduces them to concepts, such as spread sheets, word processing, data base, graphics, web page design, coding, and much more. Our 29-station, internet active computer lab gives our students the tools needed to be computer literate. Classroom Chromebooks and interactive white boards provide daily opportunities for technological fun.
All elementary classrooms have Chromebook labs and Newline Interactive whiteboards to aid in classroom curriculum and interactive learning. Hovercams are also in each classroom.
We are taking the focus away from the technology itself and placing it directly on the learning and teaching it facilitates. Students can now accomplish amazingly creative projects unfettered by the need for specialized tools. In their daily lessons, teachers can incorporate “field trips” to anywhere in the world. Students’ curiosity and drive to understand new information does not have to be put on hold until the right reference books can be procured. A world of information is at their fingertips; and their teachers help them to access, analyze, and organize it.
Why WCA’s Elementary Division chose DeepRoots as our Bible curriculum.
STEM Challenges
Coding Challenges
Accelerated Reader
Local & Out of Town Field Trips
Academic Testing Contest (3rd-5th)
Honor Society (4th-5th)
Soccer Intramural League “Lil Kickers”
Baseball Intramural League “Lil Sluggers”
Basketball Intramural League
Cheerleading Clinic
Golf League
Volleyball Intramural League
Girls On the Run
Weekly Music Classes
Speech & Poetry Contests (3rd-5th)
Elementary Choir (4th-5th)
Elementary Band (4th-5th)
Weekly Art Classes
Local & State Art Competitions (3rd-5th)
Fine Arts Concerts
National Elementary Honor Society (4th-5th)
Robotics Club
Trail Life/American Heritage Girls
Computer / Coding/Robots
Physical Education
Grandparents’ Day
Jingle Jog
Homecoming Festivities & Parade
Parent Day
Dr. Seuss Week
STEM Friday
Field Day
Book Fair
Awards Ceremonies
Casual Dress Days (Behavior Incentive)
Theme Dress-Up Days
Field Trips
Honor Roll Recognition
Parent Teacher Fellowship, Fall Carnival, Ice House Skate Night, Jungle Rapids Night, are all wonderful opportunities for our parents and students to fellowship with one another.
The After School Care Program is designed for working parents who need extended care for their children. The program is from 3:00 - 6:00 p.m. when school is in session. All-day care also is available from 6:45 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on some days when school is not in session. Students must be signed up for all-day care in advance.
WCA also offers an early morning care program that begins at 6:45 a.m. Teachers go to early morning care and pick the children up and then take them to class.
Extended care payments are due upon receipt of your statement.