The annual Spring Carnival is a school-wide, fun family event designed to simultaneously build community amongst WCA families whilst serving as one of the Academy’s most successful fundraisers. Funds raised from this event directly benefit WCA staff and teachers. The primary goal is to raise enough money to fully cover the cost of the Fall Teachers Convention and other opportunities for continuing education. Any remaining funds continue to be used at the discretion of the PTF with the sole purpose of blessing our teachers first, and meeting other school-wide needs as they arise.

All thanks to the incredible support of WCA students and their families, Spring Carnival 2024 was a great success! The PTF was able to share the love by covering the cost of…

  1. Teacher’s Convention (registration, hotel and food)

  2. A fancy icemaker for staff to use in the Atrium

  3. Picnic tables for the new Middle School Mod area

  4. New Volleyball System

  5. A couple of printers for Middle School Teachers

  6. And more…

We look forward to seeing you all again soon on April 11th!

NOTE: Online armband pre-sales for this year’s Spring Carnival will begin on March 24, 2025.